


Wells Street
Newtown NSW 2042

ABN: 69048077053

Invoice Number INV-2063
Invoice Date 29 January 2019
Due Date 6 February 2019
Total Due $916.27
Easton Belle

136 Blues Point Road, McMahons Point

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 Hardware - TP-Link 5-Port PoE Switch
1.25 Office visit (Jan 30 2019) Setup and Configure Network (LAN and Wi-Fi) via Telstra Modem

Wi-Fi for Business:
SSID: Easton Belle
Password: ea4n6vz5m3

Wi-Fi for Guests:
SSID: Easton Belle - Guest
Password: welcometoeastonbelle

0.75 Office visit (Jan 30 2019) Configure Phones (Polycom / VoIP)
1.5 Office visit (Jan 30 2019) Configure all computers to Wi-Fi or LAN Network / Connect Epson Printer and Test
1 25M CAT6 Cable - Blue
2 10M CAT6 Cable - Grey
1 5M CAT6 Cable - Black
1 Office visit (Jan 6 2019)

Audit of 136 Blues Point Road, McMahons Point

1 Office visit (Feb 12 2019)

Adjust cabling/install printer/scanner on PC2 / verify phones work now that modem is not on 4G

Sub Total $892.97
Tax $23.30
Total Due $916.27


Name: Helio Rocha
Bank: NAB
BSB: 082-332
ACC: 54-957-4933